Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Canadian Economy and Linkedln Tips from Dreyer Group Mortgage Brokers

The Canadian economy, thanks to more business confidence and stronger foreign demand, is close to a "tipping point" that will usher in an era of more normal growth, Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz said Wednesday. Poloz also said this growth could likely be accommodated without risk of a boost to inflation.

 “Evidence suggests we are now close to the tipping point from improving confidence into expanding capacity,” Poloz told members of the Vancouver Board of Trade. “Stronger investment means more new jobs will be created." The central bank governor cited data that showed there are now 40,000 more firms in Canada with at least one employee than there were last year at this time. "This pace is considerably stronger than we would expect in normal, non-recessionary times and suggests that we may be replacing some of the firms that were lost in the recession with new ones," he said. "This is excellent news." 'Growth will become natural' Also encouraging, he said, were recent private surveys that pointed to signs of a more positive business outlook. Poloz said the central bank is seeing foreign demand for Canadian goods picking up. He said Canada's export market will benefit from solid increases in U.S. business and residential investment, with the lagging machinery, equipment and wood products sectors enjoying some of the biggest benefits. "I anticipate that the Canadian economy will normalize and growth will become natural, in contrast to the economic activity of the past six years, which has been fuelled by policy, including record-low interest rates," Poloz said. "Natural growth will be self-generating and self-sustaining, and the economy will be growing at its potential, as its productive capacity expands." Statistics Canada reported in late August that growth in the second quarter slowed to an annualized rate of 1.7 per cent. The Bank of Canada has maintained its one per cent overnight interest rate for three years. While it has indicated that its key rate will rise at some point in the future, most economists think that point is at least a year away. CBC News Time to Renovate Your LinkedIn Profile? LinkedIn is becoming more and more popular with business people. The social media website provides a valuable way for professionals to reach out to prospects, stay in touch clients and industry partners, and to build their business. Not surprisingly, LinkedIn is the 10th most visited website in Canada, and ranks 14th globally (Alexa Web Information Co.). Many professionals know that they should be making better use of LinkedIn… yet they still don’t have a personal profile that stands out. Here are some top tips for giving your LinkedIn profile a shot in the arm: 1. 1. First: temporarily turn off your activity broadcast. This allows you to quietly make several profile changes in one sitting without having LinkedIn announce it to your contacts each time. ► How to: in the upper right-hand corner of your profile, move your mouse over the small icon of your picture; choose “Privacy & Settings”; under “Profile” you should be able to see “Turn on/off your activity broadcasts”. After you’re finished updating, turn the activity feed back on. A complete profile will show up better in search results. Add in information on your past positions, education and any organizations to which you belong. As your complete your profile, LinkedIn will suggest additional sections. Besides, nothing says “newbie” like an unfinished profile. Make good use of the summary section. This is your chance to tell your LinkedIn audience about what makes you one-of-a-kind and what you’re passionate about. Make it unique! Use first-person “I” statements, and keep it conversational. Use bullet points to break up long paragraphs of text. Claim your name. Your LinkedIn profile web address is made up of random alphanumeric characters, but you can edit it so it reads with your name, such as: http://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenmoyes. Available on a first come, first served basis. ► How to: Move your cursor over “Profile” at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and select “Edit Profile”; click “Edit” next to the URL under your profile photo; click "Customize your public profile URL"; type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box; click “Set Custom URL”. Use a professional photo. Obvious advice, but really crucial – first impressions matter. Avoid group shots or casual party pics. The worst is not having any photo: to many, this implies you don't care about your professional image. Special Offer for Dreyer Group Partners -Professional LinkedIn Profile Consultation Through Steven Moyes - Business Coach and Consultant - $250.00 Package - (available until October 31, 2013). You Will Receive: 1. 1. A professional one-on-one review of your LinkedIn profile. Includes personalized advice on how you can present yourself in the very best light. A professionally-written summary section – the most crucial part of your LinkedIn profile. This captures your unique offering: written just for you, based on an in-depth personal interview and your resume. An easy way to stand out in a crowded market. Your summary wording is also great to use in other marketing materials. An accelerated learning session, tailored to your level of familiarity with LinkedIn. You’ll discover how to use LinkedIn to: Connect with the right people to build your business, Boost your prospecting efforts and Stay in touch with clients – while keeping it authentic and personalized. We have worked with Steven for many years, and highly recommend his services. You can contact him directly at: Steven Moyes Forward Edge Coaching & Consulting steven@forward-edge.ca 604-732-6753 Warm Regards, Jared Dreyer - Dreyer Group Mortgage Team Your Mortgage Professionals Top 10 Mortgage Team in Canada 604 649-5991 1-800-687-9020 www.dreyergroup.ca clientservices@dreyergroup.ca Article content provided by News 1130 and Cameron Muir

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